Treatment in complete harmony with nature is the speciality of Ayurveda. According to this, the diseases originates due to three main reasons Vata, pitta, Kapha and dosha. Aayushi Health Care offers best Ayurvedic Treatment for Vata related diseases at an affordable cost
In Ayurveda, Vata means ‘wind’ or ‘to move’ and it controls all the body functions and metabolism of the lower part of the body like hips, thighs, bones, intestine etc. Vata regulates breathing, heart beating, a flow of blood, expansions and contractions in muscles, the function of a cell, managing emotions like freshness, fear, nervousness, and pain. Vata disturbance can cause diseases like
- High blood pressure,
- Constipation,
- Disturbed sleeping patterns,
- Nervousness,
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Disturbed menstruation
- Sexual dysfunctions
- Continuous Coughing etc.
Ayurveda concentrates on eliminating the root cause rather than just symptoms. Deviating from normal habits like irregular eating habits, sleeping in odd hours, lack of physical activities can cause an imbalance in the body. People who are slender, not strong, brown hair, dry skin have vata prominence.
How can you maintain a level of vata in your body?
- By taking proper rest
- Regular and healthy food habits
- Doing exercises
- Drinking enough water
- Having good sleep
- Mostly staying in warm environs
Ayurvedic Treatment procedures for Vata Dosha:
In the treatment of Vata, regulating your food habits have a major importance. Abhyanga Massage, Shirodhara, Marma therapy, Swedana , Oshadhi are the common treatments provided for vata in Ayurveda. The doctors will take into account the age, severity of the disease, history of previous medications taken, body type of the patient while prescribing the treatment.
Aayushi Health Care emerged as the pioneer in Ayurvedic Vata Roga Treatment in Kerala.
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