Vata Roga is responsible for diseases in the nervous system. Vata attacks the lower parts of the body such as hip, thigh, pelvic area, large intestine and also skin & Ear. If there is any problem in vata, the body may attain various diseases such as constipation, insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, muscle cramps, and dry skin. Imbalanced vata is due to awakening until late night, not intact to a proper diet plan. Vata people appear to be thin and with no strength.
Neck Pain is a common ailment among all groups of ages. Due to the strain in neck muscles by irregular sitting posture, working on the computer for a long time without interval, continuous driving are the main factors for neck pain. These conditions will worsen the neck pain with muscle tightness, headache. Stiff neck causes due to the severe pain and muscle spasm along with the nerve compression.
Natural Treatment of Neck Pain is yielded only through Ayurveda, an ancient medication. Cervical Spondylitis, occurs in the neck and it is described as a group of arthritic spine condition which causes joints and vertebrae inflammation. This severity causes deterioration in the joints and causes fusion of vertebrae that limits the mobility of neck.
The effective Ayurvedic Medicines for Cervical Spondylitis are Kaishore Guggulu (nourishes joint health), Yograj Guggul (for all arthritis condition, Ashwagandha is the best herb to treat stress-related muscle stiffness with the anti-inflammatory property. Sinhnaad Guggul, Swarn Guggul are the best herbal tablets for managing cervical pain. The extracts of Giloy (Tinospora), Fenugreek, Sallaki (Boswellia) will reduce the neck stiffness, pain, and inflammation.
Aayushi Healthcare, Kochi is a traditional center to treat most of the ailments. Our treatment includes herbal meditation, yoga, and oil massages for some conditions. Our health care was started by Late Dr. K.P. Panicker Vaidyakalanidhi, a legend in Ayurvedic treatment who had more than 60 years of experience and his holistic service has been carried out by his family members.
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