Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Overcome Asthma Through Ayurveda

Asthma is a disease related to the lungs and it is also termed as a disorder in which the airways are frequently blocked due to narrowing and swelling along with the production of extra mucus. This disorder will create difficulty in breathing and also trigger other factors such as a cough, shortness of breath, and puffing.

Causes for Asthma

It is difficult to find the exact reason for people being affected with asthma but most probably the reason behind this disorder will be the combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Asthma can be detected through symptoms caused due to exposure to some allergic things like pollen, irritants present in the air, ragweed, dust mites, smoke, strong odors, chemical fumes, and extreme climatic conditions.


Symptoms of Asthma

This differs from person to person. People suffering from asthma will have rare asthma attacks depicting symptoms only at certain times like while doing exercise and other heavy work. These are some of the symptoms seen in people suffering from asthma.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Whistling sound while exhaling
  • Increase of a cough and wheezing attacks when subjected to cold or flu

Diagnosis of Asthma

As a matter of fact, asthma is a hereditary disorder. Initially, asthma is diagnosed based on your family’s medical histories. After that, a physical examination is done to diagnose the disease. In case of ambiguity, certain breathing tests are conducted to measure the functionality of your lungs. Based on the test reports, you will get to know the severity level of your asthma which can be differentiated as mild, intermittent, moderate, and severe. Based on the severity level, suitable treatments are offered.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma

There are many types of treatment available to cure asthma. But ayurvedic treatment is termed as the best treatment for asthma. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method to treat diseases using natural herbs. These herbal remedies have an inherent effect on diseases reducing them to the core level.
Not only for the treatment of a particular disease, but these herbs are also used to improve the overall immunity power of the body providing required strength to the body. Herbs used for asthma treatment will help people affected by asthma by decreasing the disorders and symptoms in a natural way without leading to any side effects. Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma will assist in the better functionality of the respiratory system and will prevent its occurrence in future as well.
Aayushi Healthcare provides ayurvedic treatment for Asthma, Recurring cough, Tonsillitis etc. in Kochi.


Mail us: info.aayushihealthcare@gmail.com

Monday, 7 November 2016

Cure Your Neck Pain Naturally

Vata Roga is responsible for diseases in the nervous system. Vata attacks the lower parts of the body such as hip, thigh, pelvic area, large intestine and also skin & Ear. If there is any problem in vata, the body may attain various diseases such as constipation, insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, muscle cramps, and dry skin. Imbalanced vata is due to awakening until late night, not intact to a proper diet plan. Vata people appear to be thin and with no strength.

Neck Pain
is a common ailment among all groups of ages. Due to the strain in neck muscles by irregular sitting posture, working on the computer for a long time without interval, continuous driving are the main factors for neck pain. These conditions will worsen the neck pain with muscle tightness, headache. Stiff neck causes due to the severe pain and muscle spasm along with the nerve compression.

ayurvedic treatment for neck pain in kochi

Natural Treatment of Neck Pain is yielded only through Ayurveda, an ancient medication. Cervical Spondylitis, occurs in the neck and it is described as a group of arthritic spine condition which causes joints and vertebrae inflammation. This severity causes deterioration in the joints and causes fusion of vertebrae that limits the mobility of neck.

The effective Ayurvedic Medicines for Cervical Spondylitis are Kaishore Guggulu (nourishes joint health), Yograj Guggul (for all arthritis condition, Ashwagandha is the best herb to treat stress-related muscle stiffness with the anti-inflammatory property. Sinhnaad Guggul, Swarn Guggul are the best herbal tablets for managing cervical pain. The extracts of Giloy (Tinospora), Fenugreek, Sallaki (Boswellia) will reduce the neck stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

Aayushi Healthcare, Kochi is a traditional center to treat most of the ailments. Our treatment includes herbal meditation, yoga, and oil massages for some conditions. Our health care was started by Late Dr. K.P. Panicker Vaidyakalanidhi, a legend in Ayurvedic treatment who had more than 60 years of experience and his holistic service has been carried out by his family members.
Mail us: info.aayushihealthcare@gmail.com

Monday, 17 October 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment for Headache in Kochi

Headache is the symptom of pain, happen anywhere in the region of head or neck. Major types of headaches are migraines, tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, offers a holistic and natural approach to health and good living. Ayurveda uses herbs that provide natural relief while striving to correct internal imbalances. Ayurveda understands that our lifestyle is the primary cause of our headaches.


Types of Headaches : 

  • Migraines, known to cause great distress, throbbing headaches are accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound and smell. They are usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. These severe pain can last from several hours to several days,
  • Localized pains head can also be very severe. They can last a few minutes to a few hours, but are recurrent throughout the day. These sharp pain often accompanied by red eyes teary and also by constriction or dilation of the pupil.
  • The tension headaches are the most common. They last from 30 minutes to one week. They tend to be mild and moderate, and are constant. They are not usually accompanied by other symptoms.

The cause of migraines and pain localized headaches are poorly understood. The tension, however, seem to have many causes including stress, toxins, sleep difficulties and anxiety.The goal of Ayurveda is to restore balance and optimize the functions in the patient. To achieve a proper diet, herbs, exercise and stress reduction. The last mentioned includes meditation, yoga and creating a harmonious life.

Aayushi Health Care offers Ayurveda Treatment for Headache in Kochi with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff.
Mail us: info.aayushihealthcare@gmail.com

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

How Can You Get Relief From Vata Rogas ?

Treatment in complete harmony with nature is the speciality of Ayurveda. According to this, the diseases originates due to three main reasons Vata, pitta, Kapha and dosha. Aayushi Health Care offers best Ayurvedic Treatment for Vata related diseases at an affordable cost

In Ayurveda, Vata means ‘wind’ or ‘to move’ and it controls all the body functions and metabolism of the lower part of the body like hips, thighs, bones, intestine etc. Vata regulates breathing, heart beating, a flow of blood, expansions and contractions in muscles, the function of a cell, managing emotions like freshness, fear, nervousness, and pain. Vata disturbance can cause diseases like

  • High blood pressure,
  • Constipation,
  • Disturbed sleeping patterns,
  • Nervousness,
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Disturbed menstruation
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Continuous Coughing etc.


Ayurveda concentrates on eliminating the root cause rather than just symptoms. Deviating from normal habits like irregular eating habits, sleeping in odd hours, lack of physical activities can cause an imbalance in the body. People who are slender, not strong, brown hair, dry skin have vata prominence.

How can you maintain a level of vata in your body?

  • By taking proper rest
  • Regular and healthy food habits
  • Doing exercises
  • Drinking enough water
  • Having good sleep
  • Mostly staying in warm environs
Ayurvedic Treatment procedures for Vata Dosha:

In the treatment of Vata, regulating your food habits have a major importance. Abhyanga Massage, Shirodhara, Marma therapy, Swedana , Oshadhi are the common treatments provided for vata in Ayurveda. The doctors will take into account the age, severity of the disease, history of previous medications taken, body type of the patient while prescribing the treatment.

Aayushi Health Care  emerged as the pioneer in Ayurvedic Vata Roga  Treatment in Kerala.
Mail us : info.aayushihealthcare@gmail.com