Headache is the symptom of pain, happen anywhere in the region of head or neck. Major types of headaches are migraines, tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, offers a holistic and natural approach to health and good living. Ayurveda uses herbs that provide natural relief while striving to correct internal imbalances. Ayurveda understands that our lifestyle is the primary cause of our headaches.
Types of Headaches :
- Migraines, known to cause great distress, throbbing headaches are accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound and smell. They are usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. These severe pain can last from several hours to several days,
- Localized pains head can also be very severe. They can last a few minutes to a few hours, but are recurrent throughout the day. These sharp pain often accompanied by red eyes teary and also by constriction or dilation of the pupil.
- The tension headaches are the most common. They last from 30 minutes to one week. They tend to be mild and moderate, and are constant. They are not usually accompanied by other symptoms.
The cause of migraines and pain localized headaches are poorly understood. The tension, however, seem to have many causes including stress, toxins, sleep difficulties and anxiety.The goal of Ayurveda is to restore balance and optimize the functions in the patient. To achieve a proper diet, herbs, exercise and stress reduction. The last mentioned includes meditation, yoga and creating a harmonious life.
Aayushi Health Care offers Ayurveda Treatment for Headache in Kochi with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff.
Visit us: www.aayushiayurveda.com
Mail us: info.aayushihealthcare@gmail.com
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