Friday, 18 August 2017

How To Prevent Gout From Affecting You??

Gout is a metabolic disease which is highly painful and inflammatory due to the formation and deposition of uric acid in the joints cartilages.  Firstly, Gout affects the toe part and swells it then gradually it spreads other parts of the body such as ankles, knees, hands and feet joints, elbow, and the wrist.

Causes of gout

Causes of gout which increases uric acid levels in the blood are
  • Hyper para-thyroids
  • Renal infection or failure
  • Lead poisoning
  • Use of drugs such as pyrazinamide, diuretics, and aspirin
  • Down syndrome
  • Lactic acidosis due to alcohol, vomiting, starvation
  • Myxo edema
Purines are specific chemical compounds found in some foods, known to cause gout. Purines are broken down into uric acid.  Sometimes, body producing a high amount of uric acid that is not consumed by the body. In such cases, it starts accumulating in the body. This accumulation forms sharp needle shaped crystals which further causes pain, inflammation and swelling. 

Symptoms of gout

Symptoms of gout include
  • Fever
  • Pricking pain
  • Swelling
  • Burning sensation
  • Itching
  • Pain and redness in the small joints

Gout is known as vatarakta in Ayurveda. Increase consumption of sour, salty, spicy, heavy, alkaline and penetrating foods generally causes vata dosha. These impaired doshas get accumulated in the body joints and cause damage to the tissues and bones present on the joints.

Ayurvedic treatment for gout includes herbal medications, strict diet, and daily routine to cleanse the blood.

Aayushi healthcare has good treatment facilities to treat gout. The center provides excellent services and is one of the best ayurveda hospitals in Kerala.
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Thursday, 27 July 2017

Start Your Ayurveda Weight Loss Journey With Aayushi..

Obesity and overweight in females are the common problems that increasing rapidly day by day. These conditions are caused because of increase in the size and amount of the fat cells in the body. Obesity is a condition in which a person has accumulated a high level of body fat that further has a negative effect on the health.

Causes of obesity in females

  • Not burning enough calories
  • Living an inactive lifestyle
  • Not sleeping enough
  • Endocrine disruptors
Obesity is screened and diagnosed by measuring body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference in people. Obesity can develop some serious medical problems in females, such as 
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Sleep disorders
Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of health care that help to maintain a healthy body in a natural way. Obesity is known as Medarog in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, treatment for obesity is performed by the pacification of kapha dosha. 

The Ayurvedic treatment of obesity includes removing kapha aggravating foods from the diet and focuses on the cleansing of the Medovahi channels by the use cleansing herbs. These herbs are highly beneficial to reduce weight.  Ayurveda implements a comprehensive approach to treat obesity. Ayurvedic diet plans and yoga exercises are highly helpful in eliminating obesity. It is mandatory to strictly follow a healthy diet plan and focusing on more active lifestyle.

Ayurveda as a holistic medicine is a highly useful natural remedy for the obesity. Ayurveda describes a combination of Panchakarma treatment, Ayurvedic medicines, home remedies, and some lifestyle adjustments to lose weight quickly.

Aayushi Healthcare, Kochi, is one of the best Ayurvedic center in Kerala. Aayushi Healthcare has provided best Ayurvedic treatment plans for treating obesity in females.

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Monday, 17 July 2017

Monsoon Treatments at Aayushi - Promoting wellness during the time of Monsoon

The first showers of monsoon bring with a soothing coolness offering a relief from the scorching heat of summer. However, a few days of rain and it turns messy. Clogged drains and the constant cold becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other disease causing micro organisms.

The cold climate brings back diseases such as arthritis that has been dormant with us for long. Typhoid, cholera, jaundice, flu and now dengue fever rule the roost during these times. So how do we overcome these? Monsoon treatments with Ayurveda, usually called Karkidaka Chikitsa have been practiced for long, since time unknown.

Karkidaka Chikitsa mainly revolves around monsoon related diseases and ayurvedic treatment for overcoming them. The holistic approach followed in Ayurveda also helps in overall physical and mental well-being. Aayushi Healthcare has been occupying its pride of a place in quality ayurvedic treatment and services in Kochi.

At Aayushi, we have a comprehensive treatment regimen for Karkidaka Chikitsa which involves treatments for existing diseases along with a diet, exercise and yoga regimen for promoting physical and mental well being. During the season of monsoon, vata dosha, one among the tri-doshas of the body shows an increasing predominance. This can be treated with the help of ayurvedic treatments at Aayushi.

Treatment Specialities at Aayushi

The treatment procedures offered at Aayushi helps in restoring health while flushing out the toxins that have accumulated in the body for a long time. Some of the treatments offered here include the following.

Shirodhara – a treatment technique that has been in practise since long, it helps in harmonizing the vata constitution while calming the nerves and mind
Kadivasthi – a method for alleviating back pain and spinal disorders, it helps in the stimulation of our central nervous system as well.
Nasyam – a method to restore hormonal balances, aesthetic improvement, migraine and alleviation of mental stress, the treatment also helps in improving the brain power.
Kizhi – with all the purity and goodness of nature, kizhi offers an overall rejuvenation of body and mind.
Pizhichil – this treatment helps in promoting overall wellness and alleviating pain through a series of massage techniques.

With the motto of bringing out the best treatment and results through traditional ayurvedic care, Aayushi Healthcare is based in Kochi.
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Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Let’s overcome the monsoon flare with monsoon treatment at Aayushi Ayurveda

Monsoon has finally announced its arrival and it’s been raining continuously for the last few days here at Gods own country. The first few days of rain were highly welcome what with the sweltering heat that we experienced like never before, the last few months!

A few days of rain, and we have already started experiencing some discomforts. From body pain, headaches and fever to skin irritations and digestion problems, diseases are dime a dozen during this period of time. The dark clouds no longer feel good anymore.

The cold and wet atmosphere is one that prods the lazy self in us. In this time, when life is hectic and careers competitive, slackening even if it is because of an illness, cannot be afforded. This is where Monsoon treatments in Kerala, gain in importance.

Monsoon treatment, popularly known as Karkidaka Chikitsa, involves an ayurvedic treatment plan, aimed at our physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation. The treatment helps us overcome the physical discomforts and in strengthening our immunity while getting rid of toxins and stress from our body and mind.

Karkidaka is a month in Kerala tradition, which was associated with darkness and illness, mainly because of relentless rain and all difficulties associated with it. Karkidaka Chikitsa has been practiced traditionally since ages unknown to overcome this period of darkness. It includes various ayurvedic treatments and massages with medicated oils done in a spiritually serene atmosphere.

Karkidaka kanji is a prime attraction of monsoon treatment and is prepared with an assortment of herbs and medicines for increasing our immunity and flushing out toxins.

Monsoon Treatment at Aayushi Ayurveda

Aayushi Ayurveda, based in Kochi offers traditional monsoon treatment that is rooted in tradition. The treatment is ideal in overcoming many lifestyle diseases and other disorders that are part and parcel of the monsoon season. Spend a few days with us and experience what nature has in store for our wellbeing.

Each treatment packages are tailored made to suit the different requirements of the patients. discounts are available for early birds. The packages are available for 5, 7, 9 and 11 days.

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Monday, 5 June 2017

Ayurvedic treatment to put a full stop to your lower backpain !

Posture is one of the most common etiquette that many of us fail to follow. Long hours of sitting or staying on foot, coupled with our bad posture habits, invites many disorders, one of the popular being lower back pain. They vary from sudden or gradual to sudden or persistent pain that is experienced below the waist.

Lower back pain is so common that most of us have experienced them at some point in our lives. For those who are yet to feel it, you are just short of a heavy lift or an awkward turn! However, when the pain persists beyond a week or two, without relief, interfering with daily life activities, it assumes the proportion of an issue that requires medical attention. 

Our back is a complex network of tendons of lumbar spine, spinal muscles, nerves, bone s or discs. An irregularity in the functioning of any of these can result in severe or persistent pain. Ayurveda offers successful cure of lower back pain, with traditional treatment techniques which correct the factors causing pain, while providing relaxation for the body and mind.It can be cured in one of the Best Ayurvedic Hospital In Kerala.  

Causes of lower back pain

One of the major contributing factors for lower back pain is a bad posture. A bad posture habit puts unnecessary stress on the natural alignment of muscles, bones and associated parts of the back causing pain and discomfort. Changes in the natural spinal curves puts pressure of the muscles causing contractions that leads to pain and discomfort.
Tear or strain on the back tissues caused due to accidents, fall or strong blows to the back are another cause of back pain. Pain in the lower back can also be caused due to certain health conditions such as spinal stenosis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, presence of malignant or benign tumours and so on.


Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain involves a set of internal and external procedures to correct the causal factor of the pain. Medicines prepared from an assortment of herbs are administered internally. Panchakarma treatments help in correcting the issues causing back pain as well. Procedures such as daily purgation are performed to vitiate doshas to maintain the normal balance in the body.  

Aayushi Healthcare is a leading Ayurveda hospital which specialises in successful treatment for a variety of diseases with a holistic approach of traditional Ayurveda.

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Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Treat Hairfall And Dandruff With Ayurveda

Hairfall is a growing concern among people, irrespective of age, sex or ethinicity. Although factors such as lifestyle, pollution, stress and dietary habits play an important role in hair fall, more than 40% of hair fall issues are caused due to dandruff. Hair fall and dandruff are known to have an insidous link with each other. Dandruff weakens the hair folliles inciting increased hair fall.

Dandruff can be defined as a kind of dermatitis or skin infection that results in dry, scaly and flaky skin on the scalp. The presence of dandruff not only cause itching and scalp irritations, their flaky nature cause them to stick to hair and clothes, causing embarrasment.  

Symptoms Of Dandruff

The symptoms of dandruff include dry flaky and scaly skin causing scalp itching and irritation. The symptoms grow in intensity during the winter and rainy season.

Causes Of Dandruff

Seborrheic Dermatitis - This is caused due to oily, greasy or iritating skin. A commonly found type of dandruff. They occur not just on scalp, but also on other oily gland areas as well.
Dirt build up - A main cause of dandruff is dirt and sweat build up which damages the health of the scalp.
Malassezia - It is a yeast like fungus which tends to irritate scalp at times and lead to cell accumulation on the scalp.
Dry skin - Dryness of skin leads to easier skin flaking and hence dandruff. They usually do not cause redness like dandruff caused by oily skin.
Contact Dermatitis - This kind of dermatitis is caused due to allergies caused by certain skin products.

Treatment For Dandruff

Dandruff treatment is mainly based on the causative agents leading to the condition. Ayurveda offers effective and safe treatment procedures for hairfall and dandruff. Treatments like shirodhara and medicinal oil massages can help in elimination of dandruff. The ayurvedic treatment regimen, not only cures dandruff, they help in reducing stress and related disorders as well. 

Aayushi ayurveda is a leading Ayurveda treatment centre in Kochi, offering authentic ayurvedic treatment to cure a number of skin and other disorders.

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Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Ayurvedic Treatment For Varicose Vein

Varicose vein is a common issue faced by about 25% percent of the global population. It occurs when veins are overfilled with blood and looks dilated and enlarged. Characterised by red or bluish purple tinged, swollen veins, they are often found to be painful. 

Causes of Varicose Vein

The cause of varicose vein is a dysfunction of the veins. When the valves, that restrict backward flow of blood fail, the blood gets collected there instead of flowing to the heart. This leads to an enlargement of veins. This condition can occur due to: -
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Standing for an extended period of time
  • Menopause
  • Age over 50
  • A history of varicose vein in family
Varicose vein is usually seen in the lower part of legs as they are farthest from the heart and flow of blood to heart is slowed down by gravity.

Ayurveda defines varicose vein to be a result of intake of unhealthy food, wrong food combination, excess work and heavy weight lifting.

Symptoms of Varicose Vein

  • Enlarged and swelling veins in the weight bearing areas like calves and ankles
  • Pain in the lower limbs
  • Tiredness
  • Numbness around varicose vein
  • Discoloured protruding veins

Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicose Vein

The ayurvedic treatment plan for varicose vein involves a set of medications and other procedures, along with a change in lifestyle. Since the disease involves accumulation of blood, medications to purify the blood and smoothening its flow is performed.

Other procedures like crepe bandaging helps in providing relief from pain and swelling. Herbal medications are orally administered for curing the condition as well. The lifestyle changes advised for the prevention of disease includes: -
  • Maintaining a healthy weight through planned diet and exercise
  • Avoiding standing for prolonged periods
  • Elevation of legs while resting
  • Use of compression stockings
  • Yoga for overall wellness

Aayushi Healthcare is a leading ayurvedic treatment centre based in Kochi with a legacy spanning over 65 years for quality treatment methodologies in Ayurveda.

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Friday, 24 March 2017

Resolving Female obesity With Ayurveda

The incidence of female obesity has shown an alarming rise since the last two decades. It causes an adverse effect on women’s health, making them susceptible to a horde of other diseases. Though the sudden increase in the rate of obesity in women can be attributed to lifestyle factors, it can occur due to several other factors as well.

Obesity is measured in terms of BMI or Body Mass Index. Body Mass Index can be obtained by dividing your weight in kilogram by the square of your height in meters. A BMI in the range 18 to 25 is said to be in normal category, between 26 to 29 is overweight and a BMI of 30 and above is obese. Obesity occurs due to an excess of calories, the energy unit, in the body. We need calories for staying active but when calories in excess amount than what can be spend, is consumed, it gets accumulated as fat and results in obesity.


Factors leading to Female Obesity

  • Unhealthy and excess consumption of food.
  • Environmental factors
  • Genes and hereditary factors
  • Lifestyle
  • Lack of physical activity

Risk factors associated with Female Obesity

  • Reduction in longevity
  • High blood pressure
  • Breathing issues
  • Probability for stroke, heart disease and arthritis
  • Infertility and reproductive system disorders like PCOD, Endometriosis and so on
  • Loss of vitality
  • Bad body odour and excessive sweating

Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity

Ayurveda offers efficient and safe treatment for female obesity with an exclusive treatment regimen. Obesity cannot be cured with diet alone. With help of ayurvedic medications, based purely on herbal ingredients, the accumulated fat can be dissolved. Ayurvedic treatment helps in correcting the metabolism of the body as well. Once this is done, weight can be maintained by regular exercise involving yoga and a healthy diet.

Aayushi Healthcare, with a legacy of decades in traditional Ayurvedic treatments offers effective and successful treatment solutions for several diseases.


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Thursday, 9 February 2017

Natural Remedies for Infertility

When we discuss Infertility both male and female are under the issue. Though the modern medical field has come up with various high standard infertility treatments, it induces enormous side effects. Ayurveda provides solution for ailments without any side-effect.

Infertility, in simple term, is not able to attain pregnancy. Even after having regular unprotected coitus with the partner, a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy then the infertility treatment is a must. The infertility cause of female is difficult to diagnose. Ayurvedic treatment researches the underlying cause and provides precise treatment for female infertility.

Problems in ovulation, damage in the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix. Age is the main criterion, when age goes up the fertility chances are reduced in a woman.
A through physical examination is followed by detailed analyses of medical & family history which are the essential factors could contribute to infertility.
Treatment for Female Infertility:
Right time judgment of infertility problem is useful to correct by using ayurvedic herbs and yoga asanas that can help efficiently to better develop the female reproduction system.  The ovulation disorders are solved by many herbs and they control the discomfort due to the fibroids. The herbs decrease the fibroid size and eventually annihilate the problem from the root and pave the way to fertility.

Men infertility depends on the quality and quantity sperms. If the ejaculation contains less sperm or sperm with poor quality distracts them to cause pregnancy.
Causes of male infertility
The male infertility is generally caused by less sperm production, less sperm motility or difficult in sperm transport to the uterus. Every five in one faces sperm transportation problem. Blockages in the testicles that carry sperm away from the testes to the penis may cause the lack of sperm in the ejaculated semen. The other minor causes are the inability of sperm to reach a woman’s uterus, low levels of hormones.
Generally, the male infertility diagnosis starts with physical examination, medical history with semen analysis.
Treatment for male infertility:
Ayurveda has the tendency to increase the sperm count fourfold with every month continuous treatment until the count reaches the optimum. Sperm abnormality issues are effectively treated with ayurvedic medicines, improves both quality and quantity of sperms. It also induces the motility of the sperms and thus increases pregnancy chances.

Aayushi Healthcare offers excellent treatments to all ailments, particularly their meticulous treatment for infertility is outstanding.
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Wednesday, 11 January 2017

No More Itching due to Dandruff

Dandruff also known as seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp disorder and common menace among people, especially men. It is, simply, the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. Dandruff isn't serious or contagious. Usually, it is noticed when you find scales of skin in your dress, bed sheet or on the top of your desk. Often dandruff is accompanied by itching which makes it more troublesome. In some cases, it can be embarrassing and difficult to treat.

Causes of Dandruff

The major causes of dandruff are as follows:

Dry skin: Spending your time in overheated rooms during cold winters can lead to dandruff. In this case, the flakes would not be oily.

Lack of enough hair brushing: Hair brushing would remove dead cells from the scalp. In the absence of proper combing, dead cells are shed off automatically causing dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis or oily skin: Often people with an irritated and oily skin would develop dandruff. This skin condition can occur to any part of your skin from your eyebrows to your nose to your groin to armpits. If this condition is present, skin would appear greasy with white or yellow scales over the skin.

Malassezia or fungus: almost all the people have fungus on their scalp. But, for some people, the scalp becomes itching and irritating because of this fungal cover. This leads to dandruff.

Skin conditions: Some skin conditions like eczema can cause dandruff.

Parkinsons Disease: This medical condition has been proved to cause dandruff in certain patients.

Reactions to some skin care products, especially, hair care products can also cause dandruff.  Frequent intake of cold water can lead to dandruff.

Treatment for Dandruff

When the cause of dandruff is any other skin disorder or Parkinsons Disease, the causative disease will have to be medically treated. Ayurveda not only boasts of effective cures but also adds to the health and well being of hair and the scalp. Hirodhara and use of ayurveda oils like Bhringaraja oil can be all the more effective against dandruff and at the same time provides freshness and strength to the hair. if that too don't work effectively then talk to your doctor or dermatologist. You may need a prescription-strength shampoo or any other remedies.

Aayushi Healthcare's aim is not only to treat various illnesses but also to maintain good health.
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