Gout is a metabolic disease which is highly painful and inflammatory due to the formation and deposition of uric acid in the joints cartilages. Firstly, Gout affects the toe part and swells it then gradually it spreads other parts of the body such as ankles, knees, hands and feet joints, elbow, and the wrist.
Causes of gout
Causes of gout which increases uric acid levels in the blood are
- Hyper para-thyroids
- Renal infection or failure
- Lead poisoning
- Use of drugs such as pyrazinamide, diuretics, and aspirin
- Down syndrome
- Lactic acidosis due to alcohol, vomiting, starvation
- Myxo edema
Purines are specific chemical compounds found in some foods, known to cause gout. Purines are broken down into uric acid. Sometimes, body producing a high amount of uric acid that is not consumed by the body. In such cases, it starts accumulating in the body. This accumulation forms sharp needle shaped crystals which further causes pain, inflammation and swelling.
Symptoms of gout
Symptoms of gout include
- Fever
- Pricking pain
- Swelling
- Burning sensation
- Itching
- Pain and redness in the small joints
Gout is known as vatarakta in Ayurveda. Increase consumption of sour, salty, spicy, heavy, alkaline and penetrating foods generally causes vata dosha. These impaired doshas get accumulated in the body joints and cause damage to the tissues and bones present on the joints.
Ayurvedic treatment for gout includes herbal medications, strict diet, and daily routine to cleanse the blood.
Aayushi healthcare has good treatment facilities to treat gout. The center provides excellent services and is one of the best ayurveda hospitals in Kerala.
Visit Us : aayushiayurveda.com
Mail Us : info.aayushihealthcare@gmail.com
Right, Herbal Gout Supplements is best way to treat gout pain, if we do some exercise daily we get fast relief from pain.